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dc.contributor.advisorArenas Quintana, Bellazmin-
dc.contributor.authorPaz Marulanda, Liliana-
dc.identifier.citationPaz Marulanda, L. (2016). Evaluación De La política Pública De Salud Sexual Y Reproductiva. Comprometidos Con La Gestantes Hacia La Maternidad Segura En El Municipio De Jamundí 2010-2011. Universidad Santiago de Cali. Retrieved from
dc.descriptionSexuality and reproduction are intrinsically linked to the quality of life, both in the realm of the individual and the social. The sexual and reproductive health refers to a state of complete physical, mental and social, and not the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to sexuality and reproduction, and has the potential to exercise sexual rights and reproductive. A good rule of Sexual Reproductive Health involves the ability to enjoy a satisfying sex life without risks, the possibility of exercising the right to procreate or not, the freedom to decide the number of children, the right to obtain information enabling decision of free and informed decisions and free of discrimination, coercion and violence, access and choice of methods of fertility regulation safe, effective, acceptable and affordable, the elimination of domestic and sexual violence that affects the integrity and health, and the right to receive adequate health care to enable safe pregnancy and delivery, and access to quality services and programs for the promotion, detection, prevention and care of all events related to sexuality and reproduction, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation or marital status of the person, taking into account their specific needs according to their life cycle. However, in several studies is recommended for public policies and programs of sexual and reproductive health to be truly effective, it is necessary to investigate deeper about the fact of reproduction, of how people represent their sexuality, context in which they live, the cultural values and beliefs that guide their behavior and share, also recommended fostering critical capacity of individuals and ensure that respect and ensure respect their differences and rights. This is how public policy is really effective and
dc.publisherUniversidad Santiago de Calies
dc.subjectLa salud materna e infantiles
dc.subjectLa maternidad seguraes
dc.subjectViolencia doméstica y sexuales
dc.subjectLa Secretaria de Saludes
dc.titleEvaluación De La política Pública De Salud Sexual Y Reproductiva. Comprometidos Con La Gestantes Hacia La Maternidad Segura En El Municipio De Jamundí
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales-
dc.rights.accesoAcceso Abierto-
dc.rights.ccReconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)-
dc.source.repositoryRepositorio Institucional USC-
dc.source.institutionUniversidad Santiago de Cali-
dc.type.spaTrabajo de Grado-
dc.creator.degreeTrabajo de grado para optar al título de Magíster en Gestión Pública-
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Gestión Pública-
dc.pubplace.stateValle del Cauca-
Appears in Collections:Maestría en Gestión Pública

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