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Title: Formulación del plan estratégico para la fundación Icomsalud Ips. En el periodo 2020-2022
Authors: Duque Ceballos, José Luis
De la Cruz Devia, Gaspar
Herrera Popo, Alexis
Keywords: Organizaciones
Planificación Estratégica
Dirección Estratégica
Modelo Organizacional.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Universidad Santiago de Cali
Citation: De la Cruz Devia, Gaspar; Herrera Popo, A. (2020). Formulación del plan estratégico para la fundación Icomsalud Ips. En el periodo 2020-2022. Universidad Santiago de Cali.
Abstract: Nowadays, organizations must design and implement a strategic plan, since this allows them to have a directed route previously generated with dedication, time and objectivity, to achieve that it is sustainable and sustainable in time. Strategic planning according to Serna (2003) "is a process through which the organization defines its medium- and long-term objectives, identifies quantitative goals and objectives, develops strategies to achieve these objectives and locates resources to carry out these strategies. This process is carried out through the analysis of its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses, thus being a transcendental procedure for all companies. In order for strategic planning to have a high impact on the organization, management must keep the institutional mission and vision focused, and on what basis it takes goal-oriented actions. The process of strategic planning is a responsibility of high impact and lasting in time, and that carries out any decision process in a right or wrong way, which generated the decision of the formulation of the strategic plan for the foundation ICOMSALUD IPS, in the period 2020-2022,
Description: En la actualidad las organizaciones deben diseñar e implementar un plan estratégico, ya que este permite tener una ruta direccionada generada previamente con dedicación, tiempo y objetiva, para lograr que sea sostenible y sustentable en el tiempo
Appears in Collections:Maestría en Dirección Empresarial

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