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Title: Recursos del presupuesto general de la nación a partir de la noción de servicio público del estado social de derecho en el departamento del Tolima
Authors: Ocampo Lopez,Alejandro
Sánchez Ospina, María Alejandra
Keywords: Administración Pública
Constitución Política
Estado Social de Derecho
Servicios Público
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidad Santiago de Cali
Citation: Sánchez Ospina, M. A. (2019). Recursos del presupuesto general de la nación a partir de la noción de servicio público del estado social de derecho en el departamento del Tolima. Universidad Santiago de Cali.
Abstract: The Social State of Law incorporated in the Constitution of 1991 understood as the State Gendarme guarantor of human dignity, the right to material equality, the pluralism of society that arises as a counterweight to the rigid conception, hierarchical and abstract interpretation or formalist of the law, which seeks to determine whether the public administration has been adjusted to the essential purposes contemplated in the Constitution, counterposing a greater approach of the administration towards the needs of people, freedom and property of the citizen, seeking as an objective the promotion of the well-being of the individual and in this way shape their character as a "common entity" in society. The "approach to rights in development policies and strategies" considers the commitment of the governments and the proper use of the resources and budget of the nation to benefit the entire community involved in the development processes, aligned to human rights as a conceptual framework accepted by the international community, whose purpose is to formulate, implement and evaluate economic development policies, in cooperation with the institutions and organizations that are donors and recipients for the reach of social participation and mechanisms of control and responsibility that are needed at the regional level. This document indicates the importance of the resources of the general budget of the nation based on the notion of public services of the social State of law and seeks to relate the fundamental rights of the population in accordance with the general provisions, corresponding to the norms tending to ensure the correct execution of the General Budget of the Nation. From a documentary review through bibliographic sources, it seeks to have a better conceptualization and in this way to determine already realized studies of the role of the Colombian State in the provision of budgetary resources of public service of the social state of law in the department of Tolima. Through the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit leads, designs and executes public finances and establishes the fiscal policy of the country, so that each Department, through its governments establish a development plan, of interest to the most vulnerable population at first measure and favor those that require government support to emerge and move forward, generating progress in the Department. Once the conceptual revision has been carried out, it is intended to identify the origin and purpose of the resources of the general budget of the nation based on the notion of public service of the social state of law in the department of Tolima. The budget requires a program and record of public expenditure and its form of financing, to establish the rules for its execution and in this way to be clear about the purpose of the items granted to the department of Tolima. Finally, it will be specified how the implementation has been, the process for its operation, the control and monitoring of the resources of the general budget of the nation based on the notion of public service of the social state of law in the department of Tolima. What have been some obstacles that have led to the corrective measures of suspension of remittances of the resources corresponding to the general system of participations, due to failures and errors of the rulers
Description: El Estado Social de Derecho incorporado en la Constitución de 1991 entendido como el Estado Gendarme garantizador de la dignidad humana, el derecho a la igualdad material, el pluralismo de la sociedad que surge como contrapeso frente a la concepción rígida, jerarquizada y de interpretación abstracta o formalista del derecho, que busca determinar si la administración pública se ha ajustado a los fines esenciales contemplados en la Carta Magna, contraponiendo un mayor acercamiento de la administración hacia las necesidades de las personas, la libertad y la propiedad del ciudadano, buscando como objetivo la promoción del bienestar del individuo y de esa manera conformar su carácter como “ente común” en la sociedad. En el “enfoque de derechos en las políticas y estrategias de desarrollo” se considera el compromiso por parte de los gobernantes y el buen uso de los recursos y presupuesto de la nación para beneficiar a toda la comunidad que intervenga en los procesos de desarrollo, alineados a los derechos humanos como un marco conceptual aceptado por la comunidad internacional, cuya finalidad es la de formular, implementar y evaluar las políticas de desarrollo económico, en cooperación con las Instituciones y organizaciones donantes y receptores para el alcance de la participación social y los mecanismos de control y responsabilidad que se necesitan a nivel regional. El presente documento señala la importancia de los recursos del presupuesto general de la nación a partir de la noción de servicios públicos del Estado Social de Derecho y procura relacionar los derechos fundamentales de la población de acuerdo a las disposiciones generales, correspondiente a las normas tendientes a asegurar la correcta ejecución del Presupuesto General de la Nación
Appears in Collections:Especialización en Derecho Administrativo

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